Yearly Archives: 2008

What the candidates think about inheritance tax

The presidential candidates have the following views on the estate tax (inheritance tax):


Hillary Clinton- $3.5 million exclusion amount per person, but keep the tax

Barack Obama – wants to keep the tax and to put the exclusion high enough so no family business has to be sold to pay the tax. No specific amount mentioned.


Mitt Romney – Eliminate the tax

John McCain – $10 million exclusion, but keep the tax

Greatest veteran's program that no one knows about…

Twice in the last few months, I’ve run across an amazing program that makes monthly payments to veterans who are disabled or having trouble living on their own. The name of the program is the VA Aid and Attendance Program.

Here’s what it does:

  • Pays $1744 per month to a veteran or $945 to a surviving spouse of a veteran to assist in bathing, meals, medication monitoring and other activities of daily living.
  • Applies to individuals who live in assisted living, at home, skilled nursing facilities or in-home care

What it takes to qualify

  • Must qualify medically and financially
  • Assets can’t exceed $80,000 (home, vehicle, annuities, pre-paid funeral and other things are not included in this number)
  • Takes 3-6 months to get approval.
  • Pays retroactively to date of application.
  • Applies to any veteran with 90 days of service

Here is how to apply.