Monthly Archives: March 2007

Good IRA book

Ed Slott is an author who writes about retirement plans. His primary focus is how to "stretch out" an IRA for heirs after the account owner’s death. This is a worthy topic. Far too many heirs "time bomb" an inherited IRA account (meaning they withdraw all of the money and owe income tax on it, rather than leaving it in the IRA to grow tax deferred for years in the IRA. "Your Complete Retirement Planning Roadmap"  is a worthy effort and goes into detail on how to structure your IRA beneficiary designations to allow for maximum income tax deferral. It has a good section on how (and how not to) to make your trust the beneficiary of your IRA. A lot of the book consists of worksheets. I would suggest checking this one out at the library rather than buying it. It is good basic information for anyone with a large IRA account.