Monthly Archives: March 2020

Getting Trusts Done During Shelter in Place

Strange times as we all navigate the shelter in place mandate here in Illinois. With a few changes, clients can still sign new trusts or amend existing ones without office visits.  Here’s how it works:

  1. Fill out the Estate Planning Information Form. The info is returned directly to my office.
  2. Schedule a Phone Conference.    We will go over your information by phone and put together your estate plan or make changes to the existing one.
  3. I will prepare the documents via email and by UPS. Then we will review them by phone. We can add Zoom videoconfercing to review them online together. Zoom is easy to use and does not require a download (usually). They have a great app for your phone if you want to download that, but any computer, phone or I-pad will work for the videoconference.
  4. You sign the documents, return them to me via UPS and then my office scans the documents, return the signed pdfs to you via email and sends the originals to you.

Power of attorneys, deeds, trusts and wills still require “wet” signatures and can’t be signed using e-signing (unfortunately). So while this work around involves a little more back and forth, it will help us make needed changes to trusts and sign new trusts during this tricky time.